Monday, August 09, 2021

Our Pilgrimage -- Walk in Hamilton Park in Burnet, TX

Denise joined me for a walk in Hamilton Park in Burnet, TX this morning.

It was an interesting time.  We got chased by some geese, got mooned by some ducks and had one squirrel show up early for the preaching!

Finally, near the end of our walk, we saw someone's expression of love for another.

Jesus said that God loved the world so much that He sent His Son to die for us. [John 3.16-18]

Thankfully, the story doesn't end there.  After Jesus was crucified, He rose from the dead to prove that He really did pay the price for our sins.  [John 20]

Then, it gets even better.  Jesus has been preparing a place for us.  Soon, He is coming back to get us and take us to be with Him forever. [John 14.1-3]

Are you ready for His return?  

Contact me if you want help getting ready.

Social Media Links
I started working on a WordPress blog.  However, until I get it up and working, I'll post things on blogger.  Regardless, the URL hopefully will remain the same.

Denise and Gary

Goose Attack

Duck Moon

Early Squirrel


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