Friday, August 27, 2021

Our Pilgrimage -- #39 - Faith Part 1

This is the first of what I think will be a series on Faith.  In this post, I am only going to ask questions.  In future posts, I'll discuss my thoughts.  In the mean time, I'd encourage you to do a Bible study on Faith.  If you need help, let me know.


  • What is faith?
  • Faith in what or whom?
  • What is the difference between faith and:
    • belief?
    • hope?
  • Where do we get faith?
  • How do we get more faith?
  • Can we earn faith?  If so, from whom?
  • Can we conjure up faith?
  • What if any connection is there between faith and:
    • righteousness?
    • perseverance?
    • my identity in Christ?
    • trust?
    • obedience?
    • being ready for Jesus' return?
  • Is lack of faith a sin?

Are you ready for His return?  

Contact me if you want help getting ready.

Walking deets:

  • - Continued north bound on US 281 to about 6 miles north of Hamilton, TX
  • - This walk: Dist: 15.08 km; Time: 3+17; Steps: 17,855
  • - Total: Dist: 461.82 km; Time: 104+26; Steps: 556,824
  • - Miles from home = 173
  • - Miles to Wichita Falls, TX = 166
  • - Miles to Texas / Oklahoma border = 182
  • - Miles to Canada = 1409

Social Media Links:

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