Saturday, August 14, 2021

Our Pilgrimage #34 - Sharing My Heart


My high school senior year English teacher was Mrs. Simmons.  I learned a lot from her that year, some of it even had to do with the English language.  I doubt my writing is any better today and I KNOW my spelling isn't.

I'll never forget one of the assignments she gave us.  We were to keep a journal for a period of time and then hand it in to be read by her.  Well, I wasn't too keen on sharing my heart.  Nevertheless, I completed the assignment.  I got it back with the comment that I had managed to successfully complete the assignment without sharing anything personal.  My thought at the time was "YES!  Success!"

I am now many years older and not as private as I used to be.  I hope some of my heart is coming out in these posts.  In future posts, I will make an effort to share more and more of who I am as a result of all that God has done in my life.

I'll start with this. For the longest time, I felt that I was not creative.  However, for many years, I have loved taking pictures.  Some friends of ours keep insisting that my photography IS creative.  Over the last few posts, I have shared some of the pictures that I took along this pilgrimage up US 281 and will continue to do so.

In this season of life, I am trying to stay single focused on being ready for Jesus' return and encouraging others to do the same.  I am hoping that by sharing my heart, it will encourage someone out there to be ready.

Are you ready for His return?  

Contact me if you want help getting ready.

Walking deets:
Continued north bound on US 281 to about 9 miles north of Lampasas, TX.
This walk: Dist: 13.27 km; Time: 3+06; Steps: 15,802
Total: Dist: 387.38 km; Time: 87+45; Steps: 467,158

Miles from home = 133
Miles to Wichita Falls, TX = 208
Miles to Texas / Oklahoma border = 224
Miles to Canada = 1452 (The mileage listed in the previous blog did not represent taking US281 the whole way)

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