Monday, April 06, 2020

Prayer Bible Study

As the world deals with the fear of the virus, many people are turning to prayer. A recent Pew poll found the following:
“The virus also has impacted Americans’ religious behaviors. More than half of all U.S. adults (55%) say they have prayed for an end to the spread of coronavirus. Large majorities of Americans who pray daily (86%) and of U.S. Christians (73%) have taken to prayer during the outbreak – but so have some who say they seldom or never pray and people who say they do not belong to any religion (15% and 24%, respectively).” [See Most Americans Say Coronavirus Outbreak Has Impacted Their Lives]

I am convinced that the answer to all of our problems is Jesus! I am also convinced that the way to know Jesus is through His Word and through prayer.

Consequently,I thought I would share my study on Prayer. So, it is now available on our website at: This study like the others I shared is a work in progress and the product of numerous format changes.

I welcome your thoughts and feedback.

Sunday, April 05, 2020

The world is gripped with fear over the virus. However, the Bible is clear that we shall not fear.

I started a Bible study on fear in 2015. Over the years I have done work on it here and there and have changed study format numerous times. It is still far from complete.

Nevertheless, I wanted to get it on our website sooner than later for anyone interested in seeing what the Bible has to say about fear. Please bear with its “under construction” nature.

Also on the web page are links to two videos. One of them is a 90-minute sermon and the other is a 4-minute intro to the sermon.

Here is the link to the website:

I welcome your comments and thoughts.

God's Names & Attributes

After a lengthy time of prayer yesterday, I feel God telling me to take a break from posting the UPG of the day.

All across the world, there is overwhelming fear and anxiousness. Although there are lots of Christians demonstrating the peace that only Jesus can give, there are too many that are struggling.

According to one website , the most frequent command in the Bible is “Do not fear / Do not be afraid”. It occurs 70 times in the NIV. When we violate a command in the Bible, the Bible calls it sin. But for some reason, we explain away fear as something that is acceptable.

Paul said, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4.6-7)

I am firmly convinced that God has everything under control. When we are anxious and afraid, it shows that we don’t know who He is, His character.

So, for the foreseeable future, instead of posting the UPG of the day, I will be posting one of God’s names or characteristics.

These will also be posted on our website at: