Friday, September 28, 2018

Roadtrip! - September 2018

We recently returned from a road-trip up through the central part of the US. We experienced God in incredible ways throughout the whole trip. Here are some of the highlights:
  • Prayer walked around 29 churches in 7 states
  • Had amazing encounters with pastors, business employees and lots of other travelers along the way
  • Trained and modeled our method of searching for a church-of-peace with one pastor
  • Participated in a training in Carl Junction, MO led by Bryan King and trainers from Cedar Ridge Christian Church In Tulsa, OK
  • Trained one pastor in the 3-Circles gospel tool which he then presented to his congregation the following Sunday
  • Enjoyed three days of hospitality in Hamtramck, MI with friends and ministry partners. We joined their Friday morning prayer meeting with 27 participants from 6 ministry organizations and their neighborhood follow-up outreach.
  • Trained and modeled evangelism outreach with two pastors who were going to train and model the same to their deacons the following week
  • We found a multi-campus church on the Eastern Shore across from Mobile, AL that is growing by leaps and bounds. Interestingly, the name of the church is 3Circle Church - which is very similar to the name of the gospel tool we have been training. In a conversation with one of the pastors, his prayer request was, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few, pray for more workers”

We started a 21-day fast on 9/24 seeking God’s direction for this next season of our lives. Specifically, we are asking God for:
  • Confirmation that He wants us to continue traveling the country waking-up the American church
  • Confirmation that He wants us to use an RV for the travel
  • His provision for the RV and travel expenses

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