Saturday, November 03, 2018

What Does “Give Back” Mean??

I hear the phrase “give back” a lot these days. What does that mean? To whom are you giving back? What are you giving back? Why are you giving back?

I read a few articles on the internet trying to get answers to those questions. It appears the motivations to give back are quite varied. Not only do they include altruistic reasons such as improving the community, but it seems they also include somewhat selfish reasons such as learning new skills or improving resumes. It also seems that some people give back once or twice to assuage their guilt. For example, once a year, they help out with feeding the homeless on Thanksgiving or they buy a toy and give it to one of the organizations collecting such during the Christmas season. For them, it isn’t a lifestyle.

For those of us who are born-again Christians, we have received an incredible gift! Although it is impossible to repay the gift, we should be giving back 24/7/365 out of a deep love for Jesus. It should be our lifestyle! 

For those who are not born-again Christians, it is impossible to earn your way into an eternal relationship with God. There is no amount of giving back that will be enough. The only way to be reconciled back to Him is by admitting that you can’t do it. Only Jesus can wipe away your sins.

Most of the Bible can be summed up in the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. As we travel the country and talk with people about Jesus, I am shocked at how few “Christians” have heard of either of them. So, here they are (BTW, these are quotes from Jesus so I am putting them in red):
Jesus declared, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commandments.” - Matthew 22.37-40 (BSB)
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28.18-20 (BSB)
The Great Commandment can even be summarized into, “Love God and Love others”. Do you love God? I struggle believing it is possible to be a born-again Christian and not love God. Despite being a Christian for over 40 years, I am regularly reminded of the depth of my depravity. It is only by the grace and mercy of God and the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross to pay the price for my sin that I have hope of eternal life with God. How could I not love Him?

Do you love others? Have you have heard the statement, “How much do you have to HATE someone to not tell them about all that Jesus has done for you and the consequences of rejecting Him?” I didn’t come up with that statement and I don’t know to whom to give credit. However, it is very convicting to me. How about you?

Jesus also said, that if we love Him, we will do what He commanded (see John 14.15 & 21). Are you doing what He commanded? 

If you really love God and love others, then you will be doing everything you can to obey the Great Commission. Are you:
  • Claiming your authority as an ambassador of Jesus? (see also 2 Corinthians 5.20)
  • Going to all nations?
  • Making disciples of Jesus?
  • Baptizing them in the name of Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit?
  • Teaching them to obey (observe) everything He commanded?
  • Relying on the ever presence of Jesus?

I challenge everyone who identifies as a Christian to give back as a lifestyle. Join Jesus in His mission.
And they sang a new song: “Worthy are You to take the scroll and open its seals, because You were slain, and by Your blood You purchased for God those from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. You have made them into a kingdom, priests to serve our God, and they will reign upon the earth.” Revelation 5.9-10 (BSB)

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Prayer Team - Thursday, October 4, 2018

Byron, Denise & Bud

St. Andrew Presbyterian Church - San Antonio, TX

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

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Freedom Fellowship Church International - San Antonio,TX

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

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Destiny Church - San Antonio, TX

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

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Iglesia Cristina Emanuel - San Antonio, TX

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

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Deeper Life Bible Church - San Antonio, TX

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

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Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Church of God Northwest - San Antonio, TX

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

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Place For Life - San Antonio, TX

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

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Saint Andrews Episcopal Church - San Antonio, TX

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

Prayer requests: More people, wisdom for outreach and continued unity

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Friday, September 28, 2018

Roadtrip! - September 2018

We recently returned from a road-trip up through the central part of the US. We experienced God in incredible ways throughout the whole trip. Here are some of the highlights:
  • Prayer walked around 29 churches in 7 states
  • Had amazing encounters with pastors, business employees and lots of other travelers along the way
  • Trained and modeled our method of searching for a church-of-peace with one pastor
  • Participated in a training in Carl Junction, MO led by Bryan King and trainers from Cedar Ridge Christian Church In Tulsa, OK
  • Trained one pastor in the 3-Circles gospel tool which he then presented to his congregation the following Sunday
  • Enjoyed three days of hospitality in Hamtramck, MI with friends and ministry partners. We joined their Friday morning prayer meeting with 27 participants from 6 ministry organizations and their neighborhood follow-up outreach.
  • Trained and modeled evangelism outreach with two pastors who were going to train and model the same to their deacons the following week
  • We found a multi-campus church on the Eastern Shore across from Mobile, AL that is growing by leaps and bounds. Interestingly, the name of the church is 3Circle Church - which is very similar to the name of the gospel tool we have been training. In a conversation with one of the pastors, his prayer request was, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few, pray for more workers”

We started a 21-day fast on 9/24 seeking God’s direction for this next season of our lives. Specifically, we are asking God for:
  • Confirmation that He wants us to continue traveling the country waking-up the American church
  • Confirmation that He wants us to use an RV for the travel
  • His provision for the RV and travel expenses

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Sweet Rock Missionary Baptist Church

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

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Corinthian Baptist Church - Hamtramck, MI

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

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Church of the Messiah - Detroit, MI

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

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First Baptist Church - Fairhope, AL

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

Prayer requests from Pastor Eric:
  • They want to be a beacon for the churches on the Eastern Shore
  • They want to love people more than programs
  • Current efforts at promoting gospel sharing and discipleship will not become "just another program"

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3Circle Church - Eastern Shore North - Belforest, AL

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

Prayer request from Pastor Jourdain:  The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  We need more workers!

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Jubilee Baptist Church - Daphne, AL

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

Prayer request from John and Josh:  Wisdom for expansion and how to reach community

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Eastern Shore Baptist Church - Daphne, AL

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

Specific prayer request:  Growth

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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Dry Ridge Christian Church - Dry Ridge, KY

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

Pastor Tim’s prayer requests:
  • Pastor Tim arrived 7-weeks ago and is looking for a house for him and his wife
  • Community outreach
  • Church finances to address building problems
  • Scott County Deputy Jaime Morales who was recently shot and is paralyzed

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Saturday, September 15, 2018

Grace Baptist Church - Hamtramck, MI

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

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Friday, September 14, 2018

Brighton Chapel Church - Brighton, Greenfield Township, IN

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

Pastor Bill's prayer requests:

  • Lord's leading for the sermon on Sunday, 9/16/18 and that the congregation receives the message
  • Be effective in feeding, giving living water and providing spiritual clothing to the community
  • The Church at large stops feeding the sheep to the goats

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Life Tabernacle Church - Elkhart, Concord Township, IN

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

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Greater Wayside Temple Church of God - Elkhart, Concord Township, IN

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

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Bethel Assembly of God - Elkhart, IN

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

Sue's prayer request:  Help the church connect with the next generation.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Troy United Methodist Church - Troy, IL

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

Prayer request from Pastor Andy - Pray for unity in the body and outreach to the community!

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First Assembly of God - Carl Junction, MO

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

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Church of the Nazarene - Carl Junction, MO

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

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First Baptist Church of Carl Junction, MO

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

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Thursday, September 06, 2018

Prayer Team - Thursday, September 6, 2018

Bud, Denise and Ross

First Baptist Church - Allen, TX

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

Ross’s prayer request for the church: Please pray for:
  • Persevere in failure
  • Wisdom in next steps
  • Stay connected to Christ!

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Allen Bible Church, Allen, TX

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

Prayer request from Jim: Please pray for the new Wednesday night family program.

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Church @ Allen - House of Prayer, Allen, TX

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

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Church Eleven32, Allen, TX

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

Please pray for the fall community outreach events

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Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Kingdom Life Church

Please pray for this church and all the churches on the Map of Churches!

Kingdom Life Church meets at St. David's Episcopal Church at 5:15 pm on Sundays

Please pray for the Cultivate Revival Conference 9/5-9/8. For more info: