Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Climate Change is real!

The climate has been changing since the Great Flood discussed in Genesis 6-9. It's not going to stop changing until the heavens and earth pass away as discussed in Matthew 24.35, Luke 21.33 Revelation 6.14, 20.11 & 21.1.

In the beginning, God gave authority to rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it. Genesis 1.26, 28. In the next chapter of Genesis, "the LORD God took the man and placed him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and keep it." [Genesis 2.15]
So, the original plan was for man to have authority and responsibility to maintain God's creation. However, mankind rebelled against God's plan and as a result, the earth was cursed. [Genesis 3] If that wasn't enough, mankind got even worse. So, the Lord said, "I will blot out man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—every man and beast and crawling creature and bird of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them.” [Genesis 6.7, 13] On the other hand, Noah found favor with God and He chose to save Noah's family. [Genesis 4.8]

Climate change is / was caused by mankind!!!

Rising carbon dioxide may or may not be associated with rising temperatures which may or may not be associated with climate change. None of that matters!
The one thing that is certain, we, all of mankind, have rebelled against the Lord, the creator and chosen to go our own way. The only thing that matters is repenting of our rebellion and turning back to God.
I have no idea whether repentance will change / delay God's plan to destroy the earth. I am convinced that repenting will improve our relationship with Him. The Bible is replete with stories of people and nations repenting and God turning away His wrath. The book of Jonah is just one example.

I implore America, I exhort America, I beg America, repent, turn back to God and beg Him for mercy!